Hi, I'm Lucile !

  • Qualified guide to take you hiking.
  • Certifications : BTS Tourism & professional degree in outdoor activities (animation, management, organization)
  • 7 years guiding outdoor activities (kayaking, treetop adventure, hiking, diving...)
  • In France and around the world (Thaïland, Australia, Guadeloupe...)
  • I can speak english ! (with a french accent of course)
  • People often say I'm : a curious adventurer and nature lover
  • Strengths : educative view, adaptability
  • Weaknesses : I'm totaly unable to skip stones... 😉
  • I love to : walk and camp in nature, share my passion for the outdoors.
  • Favourite quote : « Loin dans le marais, un chat, A levé sa queue tout droit, Regarde: l’aventure, c’est par là. »
  • My 1st adventure : build a raft at 12 years old and float down the river of my childhood.
  • My latest adventures :
  • Canoeing down the river "Leyre" (70 kms in autonomy).
  • Hiking across Dominica (a caribbean island in between Guadeloupe and Martinique) : 10 days solo trek, about 150 kms and 8000m of total elevation gain.
  • Travel the west coast of Corsica seakayaking.

My mission with Cathar Rando

Take you to the fresh air !

Come discover or rediscover the benefits of being in nature.

Serenity for you

A professional guide with you to enjoy fully your experience.

Small groups

8 persons maximum, for a pleasant excursion.

Adapted hikes

Whether you are a beginner or a more experimented hiker, I am adapting the itinerary according to your capacities and wishes.

Stunning landscapes

The heart of the Cathar country won't disappoint you, the landscapes are beautiful and the history is rich.

And also, discover the excitement of camping in the wild !

We rent some high quality outdoor camping gear, so you have the right equipment when you go hiking on your own.

What they say about us...